You will need to create a "Comments" profile with DISQUS here. When finished you will be taken to the “Install Instructions” screen. Choose "Universal Code" to access your "embed code"

1 - Log in to the Private Office:

  1. Enter the URL
  2. Enter your username (the email address you used when signing up)
  3. Enter your password (which you chose during the sign-up process)
  4. Click Login

2 - From the Dashboard:

  1. Click the “Website” tab
  2. Click "All Web Pages"

3 - From all pages:

  1. Locate the page where your blog weblet is and click page editor (In this case it is on our blog page)

4 - On the blog page:

  1. Locate the weblet and click the edit this button

5 - From the blog weblet:

  1. Click on the comments tab
  2. In the drop down, select the DISQUS Comments option
  3. If you don't have an account, you can get one from this link
  4. Paste the "Universal Embed Code" here
  5. Save weblet

Click here to learn how to create a "Comments" profile with DISQUS