If you are having issues with uploading your photos to a listing, there are several possible reasons:

  • The image is in the wrong format
  • The image is to wide
  • The image's file size is too big
  • The image's file name contains characters that are not allowed.

Here are some basic troubleshooting steps to help you upload your images.

Solution 1:

Check and make sure the image(s) are in the correct format and have the correct filename extension. Your image should be in .jpeg, .jpg, .gif, or .png.  Any other type of images (such as .bmp, etc.) will be rejected.

Solution 2: 

Check and make sure the image(s) has a file size of only 9.75 MB or less. Also check if the image is only a maximum of 1024 pixels wide or high. Anything larger will be rejected.

Solution 3: 

Check and make sure the image(s) only have numbers and letters in its file name. Special characters and symbols such as #, &, ‘, etc… will not be accepted. 

A recommended naming convention is "Camel Case" and looks like this: HousePhotoFileName1.jpg

Checking the Image Size on a Mac:

1 - On the desktop:

  • A. Right click on the image file that you are checking. This will open a menu.
  • B. In the menu that opened, hover your mouse pointer on the Open With option. This will open a submenu.
  • C. In the submenu, click on the Preview app to launch it.

2 - In the Preview App:

  • A. Click on the Tools option in the menu bar.
  • B. Click on the Show Inspector option in the menu.
  • C. The inspector will show you all information you need to know about the image.

Checking the Image Size on a PC:

1 - On the desktop:

  • A. Click once on the image file that you are checking. This will open select the image file. Keep your mouse pointer hovering on the selected file.
  • B. A tool tip text box will appear, containing the information about the image.